The Fantastic Adventures of Erin and Nate in Chile

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

La Pequena Gigante

Dear Everyone,

The comments on the last blog entry were much appreciated, and all suggestions will be taken into consideration. We'll keep everyone posted on which tactic we use the next time we are assaulted by anti-Americanites, in addition to the effectiveness of the tactic and the subsequent reaction of aforementioned anti-Americanite.

The main conclusion I was able to draw from all of your comments, however, is that
you people want a more uplifting blog entry. So here it is. Enjoy.

Last weekend, the theater company Royal de Luxe traveled all the way from France to Santiago, Chile. They brought with them a giant, 5 meter girl/doll puppet named La Pequena Gigante. For three days, la Pequena Gigante walked around the streets of Santiago, controlled by 18 weirdly dressed French dudes, searching for her Rinocerante Perdido (her lost rhinoceros). Besides walking around the city streets, she also, among other things, took a shower, ate a lollipop, took a siesta in a chair, and got tucked into bed.

If you want to see a kick-ass video of her on her first day here, click on the link below:

Choose the video that says La Pequena Gigante. The woman in black in the video, by the way, is Chile's Presidenta, Michelle Bachelet. If you want to see the rhino, choose the video called Captura del Rinocerante, although it's not as cool as the one only about La Pequena Gigante.

My parents arrived on Sunday, and after getting them settled in to their homestay we took them to see La Pequena Gigante. There, in the center of town, we were among 500,000 other Santiaguinos who turned out to see this massive, slightly unattractive, girl doll. The puppet herself was pretty cool, but what was even crazier was the crowd. I have never seen that many people in one place at a time, and it was impressive. After the Gigante passed, a huge sea of people followed in her wake, and we just stood where we were, on the steps of Santa Lucia, staring with mouths open at the sheer force of the crowd. My dad took some pictures, which he'll post on here when he does his guest blog entry.